LAF Productions - Verified by Visa

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Verified by Visa Security Service from LAF Productions

Committed to providing the most advanced online security features, we support the Verified by Visa security service. Click on the Verified by Visa Symbol to learn more.

Verified by Visa




Verified by Visa is free to Visa cardholders and was developed to help prevent unauthorized use of Visa cards online.

Verified by Visa protects Visa cards with personal passwords, giving cardholders reassurance that only they can use their Visa cards online.

Once your card is activated, your card number will be recognized whenever it's used at participating online stores. A Verified by Visa window will automatically appear and your Visa card issuer will ask for your password. You'll enter your password to verify your identity and complete your purchase.

At stores that aren't participating in Verified by Visa yet, your Visa card will continue to work as usual.

Verified by Visa

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

-Eleanor Roosevelt

LAF Productions, Inc.
Copyright © 2006-2015 LAF Productions, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.